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Selectmen's Minutes March 12, 1996
              Selectmen's Meeting - March 12, 1996

Selectmen Attending: Charles Flynn, James Haggerty, Chair; and
Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk with Joseph Nugent, Board's Executive
Secretary.  Peter Jones arrived at 7:42 and left at 8:15PM.
Judith Murdoch arrive at 8:29pm.

I. Announcements: at 7:35pm, Haggerty called the meeting to order
with the following announcements: (1) Representative Marini's
letter noting the signing of the Open Space Bond Bill.  He is
continuing the quest for reimbursement for monies spent ($82,000)
on Factory Pond Dam repairs.  (2) Letter from Whitman-Hanson
Regional High School noting March 13th as their next budget
meeting. Haggerty noted that Selectmen would be meeting with the
Water Department. (3) Hanson Library trustees requesting
Selectmen to attend their March 27th meeting at 7PM. (4) Habitat
for Humanity announces that applications for consideration for
Boston Avenue project are available: 3 bedrooms, single family.
Must be a resident now or a former residents for three years and
willing to put sweat equity into the project.

II. Capital Improvement Committee Report for FY97: CIC members
present: MaryLou Sutter, Chair; Karen Kennedy, Dawn El-Masry;
Larry Morrill and Angelo Nuby arrived during presentation.
Committee understands money is once again tight but that needs
continue.  Budgets should include annual maintenance costs for
buildings, machinery etc.  Topics discussed were school and space
issues including the August 22nd deadline for AAB needs at the
Indian Head School; a $15,000 feasibility space study for Town
Hall to include ADA requirements of elevator as well as exterior
siding with $85,000 set aside for immediate use for the repairs
to the building.   Mrs. Sutter indicated that the FinCom has
assured her that $19,000 is committed for the third year payment
towards police and fire equipment needs.   School authorities
requesting $30,000 for repairs to the school (asbestos, IHS roof
slates) and the playground ($15,000).  Discussed concept of usual
repairs to be done by the school committee vs. capital items done
by the town;  Haggerty requested Nugent to find out from Huska
the last time roof was repaired on the fire station and for what
cost.  Kuchinski asked for a written report of the CIC in
addition to this 6 year conceptual CIC plan.  Board of Selectmen
not ready this evening to vote on the CIC recommendations
submitted tonight.  Further discussion at next meeting.

III. Board of Health regarding Tonnage at SEMASS: Gil Amado and
John Dias present.  At the last meeting the issue was raised of
authorized haulers at SEMASS using Town's tonnage.  Amado
explained that historically the Town has never met its tonnage
level at SEMASS.  The Town cannot sell its "surplus tonnage" but
it can allow haulers dumping trash from Hanson residents to add
to the tonnage limit of the Town at SEMASS.  The town receives
into the general fund roughly $5.00 per ton.  Amado reported only
one private hauler was using this process on a cost per ton
basis; The town does have three private haulers; the Board has
been attempting to implement systems as recommended last year by
the auditors; No liability issues seen by the Board of Health.
Selectmen offered to have Nugent meet with Karen Doucette and
members of the Board of Health to discuss better procedures for
private haulers and to receive input from Town counsel on same.
Selectmen were told that the $5,000 request was no longer needed.

Board recessed at 8:33pm - back in session at 8:45pm.

IV. Rockland Landfill: Tim Qualters requested status.  Haggerty
noted that Crombie has been promoted, DEP site inspection saw
problems. Kuchinski suggested, in light of recent correspondence,
that Hanson send a letter to the Rockland Board of Selectmen
requesting a meeting of parties concerned to see what is next
scheduled to occur on this matter.  Nugent to prepare letter for
Haggerty's signature.

V. FINCOM and CIC Committees regarding FY97 Budget: Present:
Larry House, Linda Wyman, Bob Sutter, Chair; Roger McGovern,
Charlotte Vayo, Arthur Brasille, Barbara Gomez, Carole McCormack,
Mary Lou Sutter, Karen Kennedy, Angelo Nuby, and Dawn El-Masry.
FinCom Chair Sutter noted that the committee was pretty close to
being balanced for FY97.  The $19,000 in carryover items in the
CIC projects are incorporated; that the Committee needs the
direction of the selectmen for budget (override, debt exclusion
or stay within 2 1/2) when considering CIC items.  Nugent spoke
on budgeting alternatives: borrowing $100,000 through bans over
three period.  The present idea remains to stay within the
current budget.  Sutter noted that South Shore Voc Ed budget came
in $70 to $80,000 less than expected due to the school's
renegotiations on assessment with the state.  

Board recessed at 9:30pm and went back into session at 9:40pm.

VI. FY97 Salaries for Elected Officials: a short discussion on
union average (2.6%) with request to use 3.1% approved by the
Personnel Committee since we are talking about two full time
positions as well.  Motion 3/12/96.1: move to use 2.6 percent as
the increase.  Motion made by Murdoch.  WITHDRAWN
Motion 3/12/96.2: move that FY97 salaries for elected officials
be set with a 3.1 percent increase.  Motion made by Murdoch with
second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.  

VII. CSF Solicitation Request: Mrs. O'Donnell has clarified that
CSF is requesting 11 to 5pm on March 31st for door to door
solicitation and 8am to 5pm on May 11 at various locations.
Motion 3/12/96.3: move that CSF be allowed permission to solicit
in Town on March 31st and May 11 as long as no street toll booth
activities are planned. Motion made by Flynn with second by
Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.  

VIII. Acceptance of Articles for the April 6, 1996 Special Town
Meeting Warrant: Nugent has drafted four articles for
consideration.  Article One deals with voting a sum of monies for
remodeling etc at WH high school.  Motion 3/12/96.4: move to
accept Article One for inclusion on the warrant. Motion made by
Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0. Article Two
deals with a sum of monies for Indian Head school. Motion
3/12/96.5: move to accept Article Two for inclusion on the
warrant. Motion made by Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion
carried 4-0. Article Three deals with sum of monies for a new
school to be built on Liberty Street. Motion 3/12/96.6: move to
accept Article Three for inclusion on the warrant. Motion made by
Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.

Board decided not to accept for the Warrant a proposed article
four regarding extension of WH lease to the Schools.  Warrant
must be signed next Tuesday evening.  Kuchinski asked when the
actual money amounts would be ready for review.  Nugent not sure,
some action depends on Whitman's March 23rd activity.

IX. Executive Secretary Report: (1) Haggerty noted vacancy on the
Plymouth County Mosquito Control Board. Anyone interested can
apply.  Kuchinski requested a copy of the notice be sent to the
Drainage Committee chair, Brian Gaffey.   (2) State Street
Bridge: Nugent noted that summer appears to be completion
timetable.  (3) Route 58 Crosswalk Situation: Kuchinski requested
status - Police Chief Berry has given a written response calling
for painting and signs. Kuchinski requested that letter be
forwarded to Highway Surveyor for cost estimates with response by
next meeting.  

X. Executive Session: At 10pm, Haggerty requested Executive
Session be entered under #3 for three items:  grievance against
Section 3 of the Clerical Union contract; the contents of the
evaluation tool for management positions and an update of
contract negotiations for the fire department contract.  Motion
3/12/96.7: move to enter Executive Session under exemption #3 for
the three items as stated.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by
Flynn.  Roll Call Vote: Murdoch: Aye; Flynn: Aye; Kuchinski: Aye;
Haggerty: Aye. Motion carried 4-0.

Selectmen reconvened in Open Session. Vote to be announced at the
next meeting regarding the grievance.

XI. Adjournment. Motion 3/12/96.8: move to adjourn.  Motion made
by Murdoch with second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried 4-0.